Complete Optical Instrument Solutions
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We are adding links to papers we have authored or coauthored. See the menu above for our “Papers” page.  On this page there are links to abstracts available on the publisher’s website and also links to download the full paper from my website.


The first paper is about our instrument for optical alignment, the W2-AM. The W2-AM pictures shown in the previous post are quite a bit cleaner than the pictures taken with  the prototype instrument used in this paper. The paper describes the W2-AM and also compares its  performance with an instrument Bill designed in 2004 called the “PSM”.


Since the paper compares the W2-AM with the PSM it seems appropriate to reference the first paper on the PSM. The PSM is a point source or autostigmatic microscope that has proven quite useful. The first paper on the PSM titled “Optical alignment using the Point Source Microscope” is authored by Bob Parks and Bill Kuhn and is also linked on our pages. Bob has done a lot of work on applications of the PSM. After about 12 years, Bill has a learned a few things and has come up with a design that has a number of advantages.